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Outdoor window jambs

Window jambs technology
Window jambs technology

The window jambs play an important role in the thermal insulation of the room. Most of the heat goes through the windows and the gap between the window frame and the wall.

Window installation specialists seal the openings between the frame and the wall with polyurethane foam, which is afraid of ultraviolet radiation. It is necessary at least to cut off the excess foam and protect it from two unfavorable factors:

  • ultraviolet;
  • water (foam assembly has a porous structure and easily passes water).


Dowel for heat insulation
Dowel for heat insulation

In addition to protecting the foam, the joint of the window frame and the wall is additionally insulated with foam plastic with a thickness of 20 mm, so you will get a nice and smooth slope.

The external slopes, made using the “warm slope” technology, will provide heat and waterproofing of the window openings. Usually slopes are insulated along with the entire wall. If you have sufficiently warm walls and you act solely for aesthetic reasons, then the warm slope technology will help you to easily level the slope using foam plastic, which is much easier compared to ordinary plastering.

Outdoor window jambs
Outdoor window jambs

Technology “warm slope”:

  • a strip of polystyrene or extruded polystyrene foam 20 mm thick is glued to the slope;
  • the strip is additionally secured with plastic “dowels for thermal insulation”;
  • a protective adhesive solution is applied to the foam;
  • front glass mesh is pressed into the solution;
  • the second protective layer of the mortar is applied;
  • the slope is primed;
  • painted with water-based paint.

A warm slope will prevent freezing of joints between the window frame and the wall.

Prices for 2019 
Window jambs. We work with orders from 10 000 UAH
Finishing of window jambs on the technology of “warm jamb” (including the cost of materials) rm 200 UAH
Plastering and painting jambs (including the cost of materials) rm 110 UAH
Pruning of excess foam rm 25 UAH
Plastering of the joint between the window and the wall, including the cost of materials rm 100 UAH
Painting plastered seams (including the cost of materials) rm 50 UAH

You can learn more about window jambs and prices for services on the page  REPAIRING WINDOW JAMBS.

Send us an application with photos of the object in Viber to number 066-555-44-33  and we will immediately call you back.
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