СК Паук > Facade work > Repairing window jambs

Repairing window jambs

Repair of window jambs?

Repair of window jambs is giving the jambs aesthetically attractive appearance, as well as empowering them with effective thermal and physical properties and it is depending on your desires can make them just beautiful or even warm.

Advantages of equipped jambs:

  • They have a nice view.
  • Keep the heat, which can go into the gap between the window frame and the wall.
  • Exclude the destruction of the mounting foam under the influence of ultraviolet, which in large quantities is used as part of the fastening of the plastic window.
  • Prevent the formation of fungus on the internal window jambs.
Window slopes
Scheme of window slopes

Short order of work

  • first, the jambs are leveled with mortar or insulated (if you ordered a “warm window jambs”);
  • reinforced with a facade mesh (so that plaster does not crumble);
  • primed;
  • are painted.

Pay attention to the technology.

Violation of the technology will lead to the rapid deterioration of your jambs. For example, if you do not apply a primer before painting, then the paint peeling off; if you do not use the grid – cracked and plastered, etc. Therefore, responsibly refer to the selection of contractors for the development of external window jambs.


We give a guarantee for our work – 1 year. Usually, the first winter season shows the wear resistance of facade works, so if after wintering nothing has changed, then the technology is 100% and the slopes are made for a long time.


There is a summer share: when ordering the arrangement of slopes before August 15 – a 10% discount.


For the final evaluation of the cost of works on the repair of the window jambs, we must necessarily inspect the object and measure the scope of work, for this we leave for FREE.

High-altitude work

Prices for 2019 
Window jambs. We work with orders from 10 000 UAH
Finishing of window jambs on the technology of “warm jamb” (including the cost of materials) rm 200 UAH
Plastering and painting jambs (including the cost of materials) rm 110 UAH
Pruning of excess foam rm 25 UAH
Plastering of the joint between the window and the wall, including the cost of materials rm 100 UAH
Painting plastered seams (including the cost of materials) rm 50 UAH

More information about the work at heights and prices for other services you can find on the pages Facade work, High-altitude work

Send us an application with photos of the object in Viber to number  066-555-44-33  and we will immediately call you back.